External services: MySQL, Couchbase and Solr¶
CHAOS depends on MySQL, Couchbase and Solr. These services can either run on the same server as CHAOS or on another server that can be accessed from the CHAOS server.
Setting up Solr¶
Below are instructions for setting up Solr.
When you are done setting up Solr, you should set SOLR_URL in the Application Settings of the IIS site. SOLR_URL is the URL where your Solr service is available.
First you need to download and install the JDK (Java SE Development Kit). http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html
Then download Solr: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/.
When you have downloaded Solr you start Solr directly by executing the command java -jar solr-4.6.0/example/start.jar.
This will start a Solr service on http://localhost:8983/solr In this scenario SOLR_URL should have the value http://localhost:8983/solr.
Go to http://localhost:8983/solr and select Core Admin. Here should already be a Core called collection1. Rename it to Object.
You should name the core according to the <ObjectCoreName> in the MCM settings in the Module table in the MySQL-database.
Setting up MySQL¶
Download MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql. Install MySQL.
MySQL on Windows will by default have the option lower_case_table_names equal to 1, which can be problematic. We recommend changing this setting to 0 in either C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini or in MySQL Workbench. (MySQL Workbench -> Manage Server Instances -> [tab] System Profile -> Configuration File) (http://stackoverflow.com/a/17953456/118608)
Setting up Couchbase¶
Download Couchbase (http://couchbase.com). Install Couchbase.
In C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web\Web.config line 10-14:
<servers bucket="default" bucketPassword="">
<add uri="http://localhost:8091/pools/default">
set the uri attribute to your Couchbase URL.