The HTTP API for CHAOS is called Portal.
Requests to the API have the following URL-structure:
for example
Has a
- ServicePath that is http://api.chaos-systems.com
- ProtocolVersion that is v4
- Extension that is Object
- Action that is Get with one Argument: pageSize with a value of 8.
Such an HTTP Request executes the specified Action.
Arguments to an Action should be passed via the query string as fields
and values, i.e. field1=value1&field2=value2...
ProtocolVersion and its following slash can be omitted. In that case the current version will be used.
This page documents the Actions you can use in CHAOS. Each section has a heading of the form Extension/Action which you can simply copy into your URL.
Each Extension belongs to a module.
On a succesfull request Portal will return a structure similar to the following:
<PortalResult Duration="CHAOS call duration">
<ModuleResult Fullname="Module name" Duration="0" Count="Number of results">
<Result FullName="Name of object">
The Fullname attribute of <ModuleResult> will correspond to the name of module of the extension you called. The Count attribute tells you how many <Result> elements the <Results> tag contains.
<Result> will contain a number of elements corresponding to the fields of the object you requested.
Here’s an example result from the action Object/Get:
<PortalResult Duration="84">
<ModuleResult Fullname="MCM" Duration="0" Count="2" TotalCount="5">
<Result FullName="CHAOS.MCM.Data.DTO.Object">
<DateCreated>25-05-2012 15:50:01</DateCreated>
<Result FullName="CHAOS.MCM.Data.DTO.Object">
<DateCreated>21-03-2013 17:29:23</DateCreated>
TotalCount is specific to the Object/Get action which is paginated and tells you the total number of results for the request.
List of modules and their extensions