CHAOS server instance¶
CHAOS is at heart a series of C# classes called “modules” running via an HTTP server.
Therefore we recommend a settings up a Windows server running IIS, that can host the CHAOS web application.
In the following guide we set up an Amazon EC2 instance, but you can use your own local server or another service for hosting CHAOS.
Amazon EC2¶
We recommend at least a m1.small-instance running with the image Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Base - ami-3937da4e (64-bit). You can use a Windows Server 2008 as well, but it may have some differences in the setup process. CHAOS is by default 64-bit, but can be built and run on 32-bit instances if you change paths in the build configuration from Framework64 to Framework.
I gave my instance a 30 GB EBS disk and made sure that port 3389 (RDP) was open in the security group. These should be selected by default. RDP is the Remote Desktop Protocol so that we can access and manage the instance.
When the instance has been set up, right-click on the server and choose Get Windows Password. This will present you with a username and password for the machine. You can use this to “remote desktop” into the machine.
Your remote desktop client will likely say that the certificate is incorrect, but you can simply ignore that and connect anyway.
You don’t need to tag the instance or give any special settings.
Windows Server 2012 instructions¶
When you have logged in via the Remote Desktop client, you should be able to see the desktop and some icons. In the lower left corner in the taskbar you should see the icon for Server Manager: open it and go to Add Roles. Add the roles Application Server and Web Server (IIS).
Under Web Server Role (IIS) choose the feature Web Server > Application Development > .NET Extensibilty 4.5.
Under Application Server choose the feature Web Server (IIS) Support.
This will install .Net 4.5 and IIS.
You can open IIS from the Server Manager.
Download and build CHAOS modules¶
Download the sources for the CHAOS modules
In PowerShell (which can be found in the taskbar next to Server Manager) you can open the web browser and navigate to the CHAOS Github repositories like this:
Download and extract the code to the following folders:
To build the CHAOS modules run the following:
when you try to run build.bat you may have a permission error with nant
The action that failed was:
The type of the first permsission that failed was:
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
this is because the files have been downloaded from the internet, and Windows sets special permissions (security zones) for those files. You can zip and then unzip the folder to remove the security zone. (See
- Copy C:\Portal-HttpModule\src\app\CHAOS.Portal.Web to C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web
If you choose another directory than C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web you should change the variable ServiceDirectory in Application Settings in IIS accordingly. The variable can also be found and changed in the file CHAOS.Portal.Web\Web.config.
- Create the folder C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web\Modules
- Copy C:\CHAOS.Portal.MCM\build\CHAOS.Mcm.dll to C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web\Modules
- Copy C:\CHAOS.Portal.Authentication\build\Chaos.Portal.Authentication.dll to C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web\Modules
- Copy C:\Portal-HttpModule\lib\CHAOS.dll to C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web\bin\CHAOS.dll
- Copy (overwrite) C:\Portal\lib\MySql.Data.dll to C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web\bin\MySql.Data.dll
– as Portal-HttpModule has and old version of MySql.Data.dll.
Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and set up a new site. (Right-click on sites and click Add site...)
In the Physical path: you should choose C:\CHAOS.Portal.Web.
In either Application Settings in IIS or in the XML-file CHAOS.Portal.Web\Web.config you should edit the default ConnectionString to contain the credentials and location for your database.
Set database settings¶
Run the MySQL-scripts that setup the tables and procedures the different CHAOS mdoules. The following assumes that the MySQL server is running on localhost and that you have MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8 installed. Furthermore it assumes that your database is called CHAOS and that a MySQL user called CHAOS has access to it.
In Windows Powershell:
> cd C:\Portal\sql
> cat '1-create_tables.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '3-create_procedures.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '4-create_views.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '6-create_data.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cd C:\CHAOS.Portal.MCM\sql
> cat '1-create_tables.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '2-apply_changes.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '3-create_procedures.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '4-create_views.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '6-insert_data.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cd C:\CHAOS.Portal.Authentication\src\sql\Chaos.Portal.Authentication.Sql
> cat '1-create_tables.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '3-create_procedures.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
> cat '6-insert_data.sql' | & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Workbench CE 6.0.8\mysql.exe' CHAOS -u CHAOS -p
In the Module table you need to add two rows, one for the MCM and Authentication modules.
The XML-configuration of the MCM-module should be:
<!-- AwsConfiguration Aws-->
<!-- UserManagementConfiguration UserManagement -->
And the XML-configuration of Authentication-module:
The values of the <ConnectionString> should correspond to your MySQL-database settings.
Finishing touches¶
Lastly we need some basic setup. An administrator account has been automatically added to the User database. It has the GUID 34613336383661632d333562392d3131 and the email admin. Yes, the email is simply admin. Yes, it is not a valid email.
We now setup a:
- A root folder
- A password for the admin user
- Permission for the admin to the root folder
1, # ID
NULL, # ParentID
1, # FolderTypeID
NULL, # SubscriptionGUID
"root", # Name
NOW() # DateCreated
INSERT INTO `Folder_User_Join`
1, # FolderID
0x34613336383661632d333562392d3131, # UserGUID (admin)
255, # Permission
NOW() # DateCreated
INSERT INTO `EmailPassword`
0x34613336383661632d333562392d3131, # UserGUID (admin)
"91554f150aff4801fa2e771a382fe0fc185f5f8c", # Password (SHA1(UTF-16("Foobaz123"))),
NOW(), # DateCreated
NOW() # DateModified
You can now login with your admin user (you should insert the corresponding sessionGUID, of course):
- http://localhost/v6/Session/Create
- http://localhost/v6/EmailPassword/Login?email=admin&password=Foobaz123&sessionGUID=0a1b2b02-d531-4a36-a68f-bbba8f3bbd22
And create a new folder and an object in that folder: